Saturday, January 23, 2010

Update: RickkShaww

I was asked to inform you all that RickkShaww does have a meaning. It's peace, strength and happiness and it's an ancient Chinese saying.

So, my boyfriend and a few of his friends are making t-shirts. There company is called RickkShaww and they are just starting out. They only have three shirts at the moment but they all look pretty awesome! It would be greatly apperciated if you checked them out! Maybe even buy one? Or if you like them promote them on your blog as well? 


Here are the t-shirts. These are just examples of what they look like. Once we actually get the order in I'll post real pictures.=]


V-Neck is $17

Black with gold foil print is $15

Purple is $15

So, promote! Buy! Enjoy! 

Thursday, January 14, 2010


What was the last thing you put in your mouth?

A Hershey's Kiss! 

Can you play Guitar Hero?
Yes Ma'am. Only on medium though. Hard is

How late did you stay up last night and why?
I went to bed at 10:30. I get home at 10 every night and I had to do laundry before I went to sleep.

If you could move somewhere else, would you?
I think it depends on where I could move too. Alexander and I would like to move to North Carolina.

Have you ever been kissed under fireworks?
Yes I have by my only true love.=]

Do you believe ex's can be friends?
I don't have an opinion on this because I don't have an ex.

When was the last time you cried really hard?
A week or so ago. 

What items could you not go without during the day?
My cell phone, hoodie, water and food.

Who was the last person you visited in the hospital?
My dad. He had hernia surgery. He's out now and is back to work.

How do you feel about your life right now?
I like it. Sometimes it can be stressful or confusing but then other times its awesome and makes me happy!

Has anyone ever called you perfect before?
Yes, Alexander has and I totally disagree!

What song is stuck in your head?
This pony song. It's really weird.

Do you think too much or too little?
Depends. I usually like to think too little because thinking to much usually isn't good.

Where are your feet right now?
In my comfy slippers from alexander in front of me. He has a Viper chair in his room and I'm in it.

Do you believe in fairy tales?
Depends on what kind of fairy tales your talking about.

Do you like pickles?
Only the sweet Gerkin kind.

Have you ever licked the back of a CD to try to get it to work?
No, I don't think so.

What's the largest age difference between yourself and someone you’ve dated?
Alexander and I are 6 months different. I'm older.

What do you do as soon as you walk in the house?
Shut the door, lock it, put my keys in my purse, put my purse on the stairs, take of my coat and shoes and text my dad saying I'm home.

What did you dream last night?
Just some really confusing weird

Have you ever been in love?
I am right now. I always will.

Do you sing in the shower?
Haha, only if I have music playing too.

What is your favorite Holiday?
Christmas or Easter. Easter has jelly beans!

Would you ever get plastic surgery?
Depends on the situation.

Have you ever caught a fish?
Yeah. Multiple times. 

Do you still have your tonsils?
Yes I do.

What is your favorite ice cream?
This Ben and Jerry's that has a huge caramel center and chocolate and cookie dough.

What book are you reading now?
Wicked. It's really good.

Now it's your turn. Copy; Paste; and tell me a bit about yourselves! 

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Bashful Toast needs some suggestions!

I cannot seem to find anything to do today! So, I'm watching The Chronicles Of Narnia 2 and trying to just do things on the internet but I'm so bored. So, my question to you is: Do you know of any good websites? I already know about the following:

Myspace(Which I don't like)

What I want is something interesting and entertaining. If anyone has an suggestions please let me know! It would be greatly appreciated!!

Now, have any of you ever watched The Chronicles of Narnia 1 or 2? There so good! I for sure like the second one best though. And guess what comes on at 8!? Harry Potter! And tomorrow at like noon! Woo! I'm super excited! If you didn't see my last post you should check it out! You can find it here! The shirts are pretty sweet and I'm trying to promote them! Have a wonderful evening. 

Thursday, January 7, 2010


So, my boyfriend and a few of his friends are making t-shirts. There company is called RickkShaww and they are just starting out. They only have three shirts at the moment but they all look pretty awesome! It would be greatly apperciated if you checked them out! Maybe even buy one? Or if you like them promote them on your blog as well? 


Here are the t-shirts. These are just examples of what they look like. Once we actually get the order in I'll post real pictures.=]


V-Neck is $17

Black with gold foil print is $15

Purple is $15

So, promote! Buy! Enjoy! 

Monday, January 4, 2010


I've received an award from an awesome blogger by the name of Lissaloo. You can find her at One Step at a Time or Krafting with Kids! Her blogs are awesome so you should for suree go check them out!

With this award I must name 10 things that make me happy!

1. Alexander is the thing that makes me most happy. He can cheer me up anytime and I love him so much my heart feels like it might explode! He is an increadible boyfriend and I'm so very lucky to have him.=]

2. Oreo. No not an Oreo cookie but my cat Oreo. He's so cute and I love him so much!

3.Reading. I love when I find a book that I just can't get enough of!

4.Harry Potter! Haha, bet you didn't see that one coming. The books are so good and the movies are awesome too I just can't stop watching and reading them all!

5. Food. Food makes me happy all the time. Ask Willoughby. She'll tell me what were having for dinner and sometimes I get so excited! I love to eat.

6. Slushies. There so delicious! I mix bluerasberry with coke. Or coke and banana. So yummyy!!

7. Comments. I love getting comments on my blog. That way I know your all reading and what you think. I love feedback!

8. Singing and dancing. Although no one will ever hear me sing or see me dance because in my opinion it's terrible it still makes me happy doing it.

9. Soup on a cold day makes me happy! I'm not sure why. It cheers me up I guess.

10. Surprises. Not like, BOO! surprise but like "I bought you a slushie and made you some awesome food! Surprise! lol

Thank you lissaloo!

I pass this onto:


Polished With Dust

Sporks are Useless

The 5th Sister

Dear Charlie

Have a wonderful evening!

Friday, January 1, 2010

60 Seconds

Every 60 seconds:

&250 babies are born(113 are born into poverty, 15 have birth defects)
&The average american household makes $.096
&Oprah makes $523
&Nike makes $36,505
&3 violent crimes are committed in the USA
&55,757 barrels of oil are used
&Lightning strikes the earth 360 times
&There are 5 earth quakes
&120,673 pounds of edible food is thrown away in the united states
&107 people die(18 from starvation)

Illusions: may make you feel sick if your sensitive to these sort of things.

So you see it spinning? They actually aren't. It's so odd.

This one shows the green dots to be moving away from the center.

I hope you all had a wonderful and safe new year!