So, I was trying to blog again and realized how incredibly boring I am! I have hardly anything to share with you. So instead of rambling on about things you probably don't care about I'll try to think of something interesting.
I've been sitting here for 20 minutes and this is what I've come up with. My hedgehog, Luna, is becoming obese. It's sort of cute, actually really cute, but I don't think thats good for her. We need to get her a new, bigger wheel but in order to do that we need a bigger cage. Which cost money that me or my boyfriend, alex, don't have. We were thinking about getting a laundry basket to put her in until we had the money for a new cage but she has learned to climb up the side of her cage and enjoys sliding down it. &if she escapes that's not good.
Also, I have been reading like crazy lately! I love it! I haven't been so into reading since Harry Potter. I re-read all the Twilight books last week and ordered some books from Barnes&Noble. I've really started to like an author named Sarah Dessen. Her books all have the same sort of story line with different characters and it's great! I'm on my 7th book in the matter of two weeks. I should be getting some more today or tomorrow in the mail. I'm so excited!
My friend Logan is at boot camp for the marines, &I am so proud of her! We've been writing each other letters and it's almost I love talking to her but I don't like the fact that I can't see what I wrote to her once I get her letter back or see when I sent it out. Email would be so much simpler! I don't know how shes surviving actually. No technology at all! I would die without my phone sadly. She wrote in her last letter that where she is stationed they have cockroaches the size of rats or bigger! Ugh, that's so gross! She is one tough girl that's for sure!
I got a new laptop! I've been saving up this summer working odd jobs and I finally got enough, but since my dad didn't get me anything for graduation he paid for half. It's a gateway and it's so fast! I love the Sims but my old computer wouldn't run it but this one does!
So, I hope that was all interesting enough. If not I'm sorry. I'm boring, what can i say! Have a great Weekend! :)
Saturday, July 10, 2010
I'm boring.
Posted by BashfulToast at 4:23 PM 15 comments
Friday, June 4, 2010
I'm Back!
Did anyone miss me? I've been so busy with school and everything that I decided to stop blogging for awhile. I'm going to attempt to stay with it this time if everyone wants! But if I randomly disappear again I'm sorry. haha
Summer has started early for me this year because I GRADUATED! I never thought it would happen but it did. It was so nerve wracking the whole time waiting in the halls and then waiting through the speeches. I thought for sure I was going to fall flat on my face. Just to add to the stress the power had gone out because of a down power line so the gym was a sauna! But I made it through and then got ice cream with my family after!
I got a car! Well, I had a car before but I wouldn't drive it because it felt wrong. I'm not trying to be like picky or think I'm too good for it or anything but it was a thunderbird. They are so long in the front and back and I'm so small that I felt like I couldn't see anything! So, I convinced my dad to sell it and he bought me a Jimmy! It's white and I love it. Except the passenger mirror came off so Willioughby's husband, my boyfriends dad, taped it back on with packaging tape until I can get a new one. Well, it's been about 3 weeks maybe 4 and the tape is still holding. I've gone 80 down the express way and through weeks of rain and that tape it still holding! Isn't that insane?
I got a hedgehog! Ohhh, she's so adorable! Her name is Luna. Alex and I have wanted one for so long so we finally convinced Willoughby to let us get one! She was expensive though. $150 plus the cage, bedding, food&toys. But she's worth it. She's still a little nervous when you want to touch her she pushes her quills up and they can poke you but recently she's gotten better.
Posted by BashfulToast at 6:27 AM 2 comments
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Update: RickkShaww
So, my boyfriend and a few of his friends are making t-shirts. There company is called RickkShaww and they are just starting out. They only have three shirts at the moment but they all look pretty awesome! It would be greatly apperciated if you checked them out! Maybe even buy one? Or if you like them promote them on your blog as well?
Here are the t-shirts. These are just examples of what they look like. Once we actually get the order in I'll post real pictures.=]

V-Neck is $17
Black with gold foil print is $15
Purple is $15
So, promote! Buy! Enjoy!
Posted by BashfulToast at 5:52 PM 27 comments
Thursday, January 14, 2010
What was the last thing you put in your mouth?
Posted by BashfulToast at 2:14 PM 4 comments
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Bashful Toast needs some suggestions!
I cannot seem to find anything to do today! So, I'm watching The Chronicles Of Narnia 2 and trying to just do things on the internet but I'm so bored. So, my question to you is: Do you know of any good websites? I already know about the following:
Myspace(Which I don't like)
What I want is something interesting and entertaining. If anyone has an suggestions please let me know! It would be greatly appreciated!!
Now, have any of you ever watched The Chronicles of Narnia 1 or 2? There so good! I for sure like the second one best though. And guess what comes on at 8!? Harry Potter! And tomorrow at like noon! Woo! I'm super excited! If you didn't see my last post you should check it out! You can find it here! The shirts are pretty sweet and I'm trying to promote them! Have a wonderful evening.
Posted by BashfulToast at 2:40 PM 3 comments
Thursday, January 7, 2010
So, my boyfriend and a few of his friends are making t-shirts. There company is called RickkShaww and they are just starting out. They only have three shirts at the moment but they all look pretty awesome! It would be greatly apperciated if you checked them out! Maybe even buy one? Or if you like them promote them on your blog as well?
Here are the t-shirts. These are just examples of what they look like. Once we actually get the order in I'll post real pictures.=]
V-Neck is $17
Black with gold foil print is $15
Purple is $15
So, promote! Buy! Enjoy!
Posted by BashfulToast at 3:08 PM 3 comments
Monday, January 4, 2010
I've received an award from an awesome blogger by the name of Lissaloo. You can find her at One Step at a Time or Krafting with Kids! Her blogs are awesome so you should for suree go check them out!
Polished With Dust
Sporks are Useless
The 5th Sister
Dear Charlie
Have a wonderful evening!
Posted by BashfulToast at 1:35 PM 5 comments