Well, I had a nice weekend and week but as you all know the computer is still down. I'm sorry for my lack of commenting and what not. It's actually a good thing that I don't have the computer at the moment. I've been needing to study for my exams. I took my EMT exam already and I think I did fairly well. I didn't question as much of the choices. So, hopefully I'll get a good grade.
I'm so happy! Lately when I try to read I don't get into it the book and I give up but when we went up north a read a whole book in two days. It's called The Luxe. It's a series of 4 books and I'm hoping my love will take me to Barnes and Nobles today to buy the rest! I'm so excited!!! Anyways, I didn't tell you all about up north! I went hunting in a blind with my love and it was the MOST boring thing ever. But it was nice talking with my love and seeing the animals. We saw two does, a red ferret thing and a bunny. Oh! And this adorable brown bird. I have pictures but I don't have the cord to upload them to my computer so I'm going to have to wait.
So, Christmas is coming up and I'm faced with a bit of a problem. What do I get my boyfriend? He is by far the pickeyist person I have ever met. I can't buy him clothes because he only wants Hollister and I don't have that kind of money. Unless I only buy him one shirt! What do you buy for guys? Any suggestions would be awesome.
Well, I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Let me know of any Christmas ideas!!=]
Saturday, November 21, 2009
I'm back...sort of.
Posted by BashfulToast at 4:16 AM 4 comments
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Computer Troubles...Agian.
Well, as you've probably read in the title the computer isn't going to cooperate...again. The charger keeps breaking and we don't have the cash to buy a new one. So, I'll just have to get on here as much as I can. Sorry everyone. Plus, tomorrow night I'm going up north with Alex and my dad so I won't have internet access until Monday night.=[ Oh well, I'll survive. Well, everyone have a great weekend and I'll try to get on soon!
Posted by BashfulToast at 7:32 PM 4 comments
Monday, November 9, 2009
Bad Mood's Stink..
Posted by BashfulToast at 1:37 PM 14 comments
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Back up and running!
My computer is fixed. Well, my Love's computer is fixed but that is where I spend 99.9% of my time and there fore I use his computer. Anyways, I did my best to stay on top of comments and if I missed your blog or post I'm sorry. But while I was away I got an award from the lovely 5th Sister. Here it is and it's rules:

2. Each Superior Scribbler must link to the author & the name of the blog from whom he/she has received The Award.
3. Each Superior Scribbler must display The Award on his/her blog.
4. Each Superior Scribbler must post these rules on his/her blog.
Posted by BashfulToast at 9:58 AM 4 comments
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Computer Problems.
Hey everyone. Sorry for late comments and what not. The computer I usually use can't charge too well. The charger broke. I'll get on as much as I can but until I get this fixed I might not be commenting and posting as frequently. Sorry everyone!!! Have a great evening!

Posted by BashfulToast at 3:25 PM 4 comments