I've been away often and I figured I would post one last time in 2009. I can't believe the year is almost over. But I'm excited for a new year to begin. It's always nice because you almost have a fresh start. Every year I think back on how quickly it went by and it amazes me and scares me at the same time. As I get older I worry I'm going to be disappointed on how I spent my teenage years. I've never done a sport, except when I was about 8 I did gymnastics for two years, I didn't go to dances, parties or have a huge group of friends or even a best friend. I had a few best friends but everyone of them turned out to be jerks. I didn't get awesome grades or join any clubs. It kind of disappoints me and I wish I could have done things differently. But then I think about what I have now and if anything would have different then I might not have what I do now. I might not have an amazing boyfriend of almost two and a half years, or the love of his family. I might not be closer to my dad and my mom might have not gotten her life under control if I would have stayed living with her. I might not have the few close friends I do now at my new school. Every new year I tell myself to change things and this year things are really going to start changing. I'm going to need a job and I'm going to be turning 18. I'm scared and excited. I'll try to post regularly in 2010. I just wanted to share my thoughts. I hope you all have a happy and safe new year! See you next year!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
A bit of this and that.

Posted by BashfulToast at 4:27 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Busy or Lazy?
These are probably the two things that come to mind when (if) you wonder where I have gone. Well, between new classes, homework, the computer problem getting better and worse, Christmas shopping and just being plain scared to come on my blog to try and stay updated with everyone I just haven't gotten online. I'm sorry everyone. I promise I'll get on someday but right now it's just too hard to stay up dated with my online life. Even with all that busyness I would still get on if I had a working computer charger. I keep stealing my dad's but then he gets mad so basically it's get on the computer when I can. A computer charger for his computer cost $178! That's so much money that I don't have and he doesn't have! Why are things so expensive! It angers me. Anyways, I just wanted to update and let all of you know what's going on. If I don't get on before Christmas, which I should but just encase, Merry Christmas! I hope everyone has a happy and safe holiday!
Posted by BashfulToast at 3:28 PM 6 comments
Saturday, November 21, 2009
I'm back...sort of.
Well, I had a nice weekend and week but as you all know the computer is still down. I'm sorry for my lack of commenting and what not. It's actually a good thing that I don't have the computer at the moment. I've been needing to study for my exams. I took my EMT exam already and I think I did fairly well. I didn't question as much of the choices. So, hopefully I'll get a good grade.
I'm so happy! Lately when I try to read I don't get into it the book and I give up but when we went up north a read a whole book in two days. It's called The Luxe. It's a series of 4 books and I'm hoping my love will take me to Barnes and Nobles today to buy the rest! I'm so excited!!! Anyways, I didn't tell you all about up north! I went hunting in a blind with my love and it was the MOST boring thing ever. But it was nice talking with my love and seeing the animals. We saw two does, a red ferret thing and a bunny. Oh! And this adorable brown bird. I have pictures but I don't have the cord to upload them to my computer so I'm going to have to wait.
So, Christmas is coming up and I'm faced with a bit of a problem. What do I get my boyfriend? He is by far the pickeyist person I have ever met. I can't buy him clothes because he only wants Hollister and I don't have that kind of money. Unless I only buy him one shirt! What do you buy for guys? Any suggestions would be awesome.
Well, I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Let me know of any Christmas ideas!!=]
Posted by BashfulToast at 4:16 AM 4 comments
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Computer Troubles...Agian.
Well, as you've probably read in the title the computer isn't going to cooperate...again. The charger keeps breaking and we don't have the cash to buy a new one. So, I'll just have to get on here as much as I can. Sorry everyone. Plus, tomorrow night I'm going up north with Alex and my dad so I won't have internet access until Monday night.=[ Oh well, I'll survive. Well, everyone have a great weekend and I'll try to get on soon!
Posted by BashfulToast at 7:32 PM 4 comments
Monday, November 9, 2009
Bad Mood's Stink..
Posted by BashfulToast at 1:37 PM 14 comments
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Back up and running!
My computer is fixed. Well, my Love's computer is fixed but that is where I spend 99.9% of my time and there fore I use his computer. Anyways, I did my best to stay on top of comments and if I missed your blog or post I'm sorry. But while I was away I got an award from the lovely 5th Sister. Here it is and it's rules:

2. Each Superior Scribbler must link to the author & the name of the blog from whom he/she has received The Award.
3. Each Superior Scribbler must display The Award on his/her blog.
4. Each Superior Scribbler must post these rules on his/her blog.
Posted by BashfulToast at 9:58 AM 4 comments
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Computer Problems.
Hey everyone. Sorry for late comments and what not. The computer I usually use can't charge too well. The charger broke. I'll get on as much as I can but until I get this fixed I might not be commenting and posting as frequently. Sorry everyone!!! Have a great evening!

Posted by BashfulToast at 3:25 PM 4 comments
Friday, October 30, 2009
Happy Halloween!
Hola everyone! Alright, I know I'm getting ahead of myself. It's not Halloween...yet. But I'm so excited! Wanna know why? Guess! Nope, not for the candy(okay kind of...) Nope not because you can dress up! Okay, okay! I'll tell you. Willoughby is making dip! Here is the link for it! It's delicious! I've had it EVERY Halloween since I started dating Alex. Two years! It's so amazingly good! I can't wait!!
I wanted to go trick-or-treating BUT someone *cough*Alex*cough* didn't want to. I was going to dress up as a hobo but since where not going I'm not. If I help pass out candy and it's cold I think I'm going to put on a bunch of clothes and go roll in the dirt. Should I beg for money? Haha, just kidding. I'll beg for candy! (Just kidding again) Or maybe I'll go trick-or-treating around the block by myself.
Okay, there is this website called Pointlesssites.com and you can find tons of random websites on there. Well, I would like to share with you a few that I found recently that I like:
=] This website is kind of funny. Not at first but sit and watch. It will be funny after awhile.
=] This one is silly too. Move your mouse and the blob follows. Click and it will spread out!
=] This is called the Drama Button. Have fun with it!
=] This is really neat! You draw something and it dances!
=] This makes music! You just drag your mouse across the squares or click them to make music!
Have fun and I'm probably going to post about carving pumpkins later! Have a good evening!
Posted by BashfulToast at 12:55 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
I feel so loved!
Would you like to know why? Because Lissaloo from One Step at a Time gave me not one or two but three awards!! She is awesome. Thank you so much!
My first award is:

Posted by BashfulToast at 3:56 PM 5 comments
Sunday, October 25, 2009

Posted by BashfulToast at 1:17 PM 10 comments
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Harry Potter, Harry Potter OH!
So, last night I saw Paranormal Activity. Have you heard of it? Basically it's a documentary that was never supposed to be shown in theaters but it was damanded so much that they eventually showed it. (obviously) Here is the story line:
Especially when they sleep. Or try to.
Posted by BashfulToast at 2:09 PM 3 comments
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Optical Illusions!
Optical illusions anyone? I think these are pretty sweet. Try them out! Tell me how you did!
This first one is to test for colorblindness. Look at the two circles above. You should be able to see a 10 in the color one and possibly in the gray one. Do you?
Now look at these two circles. You should be able to see a different number. What is it? [Answer will be at end of post]
I'm going to sidetrack for a minute to show you this.
Which American accent do you have? Northern You have a Northern accent. That could either be the Chicago/Detroit/Cleveland/Buffalo accent (easily recognizable) or the Western New England accent that news networks go for. ![]() |
Click Here to Take This Quiz Brought to you by YouThink.com quizzes and personality tests. |

Posted by BashfulToast at 2:49 PM 5 comments
Monday, October 19, 2009
Oh so random.
I hate being lazy. It's horrible because I want to do something but you just don't have the motivation to actually do it. That's how I was all day yesterday and this morning. But then if I just lay around I feel like I'm wasting the day away. It's a tough situation. Do you know what I mean or am I crazy?lol
I bought a book a few days ago. I'm so excited! I've started reading it and it's super confusing but really good. It's called Tricks by Ellen Hopkins. It was $20!! Books are so expensive it's crazyy! I'm also excited because my friend Nicole might come over this weekend. She is like me if I weren't so shy. She is crazy and outspoken which I love. We are going to take pictures, give each other crazy hair and dress up! Woo!
Well, thanks for listening to my randomness. Have a great evening!
Posted by BashfulToast at 5:25 PM 4 comments
Thursday, October 15, 2009
I honestly don't know what to blog about anymore. I'm not sure anyone is evening reading it. If you are let me know otherwise I don't see a point in posting.
Anywho, I had an okay day today. It's cold, people don't care about anyone but themselves so they stand around the hallways and you ask them to move and they don't so you have to slam into them, someone keeps messing with my locker and my mom is being stupid saying she hates me...so i'm in a bit of a bad mood.
I learned how to take blood pressure the other day in EMT. Mine is 112/80. It's really awesome and the other stuff we learn is sweet too. Me and my friend Nicole played mercy with the blood pressure things. It hurt but it was fun. I know I'm weird. lol
I just read this really awesome book called Identical by Ellen Hopkins. It's a book rated for teens 14 and up because of its content but it's shocking and really interesting. I actually got goosebumps from it at one point. And now where reading this book called 1984 in English. It's about government. I'm not really looking forward to it but hopefully it wont be that bad.
Thank you Dancing Toast for mentioning me on your blog! We have such similar names and I didn't even do it on purpose!!! Love your blog! Keep em' coming!
Well, that's all I have to say today. Let me know what you think I could write about, what you want to see here or suggestions.=]
Posted by BashfulToast at 1:41 PM 2 comments
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Google Game!
Game time! Alright, the rules consist of this. Below is a list of ten questions. Your task is to go to google for the first five and search the question. Then post a few of the funny ones here! Then go to Google images and search the other five and post a few here! I suggest you turn on safe search to keep it appropriate.=] Thanks Nicole for this awesome idea.haha

Posted by BashfulToast at 12:46 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Hey Karen!!
Has anyone seen those Geico commercials? The ones with the money singing Michael Jacksons "Somebody's Watching Me." You don't? Well maybe this will jog your memory.

Posted by BashfulToast at 4:18 PM 55 comments
Friday, October 9, 2009
It's Friday!
This week went by so quickly yet so slowly for me. I'm so glad it's friday! And to top that off I don't have homework! First time in about two weeks!
Princess Bookie is having a HUGELY AMAZING contest. It is located here!
Hmmmm....what to talk about. I'm not sure. Well, check out her contest and leave me a comment telling me what you want to read at BashfulToast!
Be back later.=]=]
Posted by BashfulToast at 12:32 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
A Squirrel loves me??
Here is some more generated icons and what not. I think they are super fun personally. Let me know what you think and if you do any.=]

Sadly, This is how I'm supposed to die...=[

While swimming, a power line falls into the pool you're in, sending a million volts of electricity through your body. You're fried instantly.
Want to know your death? Click here!
Posted by BashfulToast at 3:50 PM 2 comments
Monday, October 5, 2009
I found this really awesome blog yesterday. It is full of generator websites! You can upload and change photos, create random stuff, make things or anything! It's awesome. I suggest you go there. It's called The Generator Blog. Here is a few of the things I made.
can't stop thinking about
Esperanza Cohen
who spent a lazy weekend inner-tubing down the Rio Picante with
Sunflower Pinkerton-Masterson
who finished "Riven" but needed a hint from
Suzette Pinkerton-Masterson
who pinned a lifetime of hopes and dreams on a single afternoon with
Roy Karthoum
who was reminded to always wear a seat belt by
Kevin Bacon

Ooh this is going to be emotionally painful! The Lioness can be fiery when dealing with any issues that annoy her about the fish-brained Pisces male. He is a sensitive little creature and doesn't want her to trample all over his feelings just because she won't let him play on his X-Box. He should also be less vague and more direct and confident with her when wanting something. He can get anything from her if he says it like a man, instead of "Excuse me err... excuse me... err... excuse me... err... I was wondering... err... could you, err... I mean, would you err... let me have a lick of your ice-cream?". Chances are she will just glare at him with an evil stare until he stops looking at her. Eventually, after many arguments and squabbles, he will learn that she is boss. |

Pretty awesome huh? I'll be posting some more later. Let me know what you think. Try some out for yourself! Have a great evening!!
Posted by BashfulToast at 4:44 PM 5 comments